Sail and Power Boat Instructor and Captain

My story.

At the age of sixteen, a friend and I impulsively pooled our money and bought a beat up Hobie Beach Catamaran. It ignited a life-long journey for all things sailing and maritime. That beat up cat was only the first of many boats; from racing dinghies to power boats to blue water cruisers. I’m so grateful to have boating in my life, it led me to my closest friends and greatest adventures.

I’ve sailed hundreds of races, crossed oceans, and cruised many of the world’s most beautiful destinations and waters. After a career in corporate leadership, I turned my professional focus to the passion that began so long ago. I’m a working professional merchant mariner, a yacht broker, and a boating educator. Sharing my passion and knowledge is one of my greatest joys in life.

Maritime License and Qualifications

United States Merchant Marine Officer - MMC 2748284 - First Issue September 2006.

USCG / STCW International License — Vessel Master to 500 Gross Tons.

Qualified under International Convention on Standards of Training Certification for Watchkeeping (STCW) provisions: II/3; II/4: II/5; V/2; VI/1; VI/2; VI/3; VI/4; VI/6. Valid upon Near Coastal Waters of British Columbia as defined in the treaty between U.S. and Canada signed 11 August, 1934.

International License Endorsements:

  • Officer in Charge of a Navigation Watch up to 500 Gross Tons

  • Rating Forming Part of any Navigation Watch

  • Able Seafarer - Deck Department

  • Radar Observer Unlimited

  • Advanced Radar Plotting Aids

  • Electronic Charting Display and Information Systems

  • Proficient in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats

  • Proficient in Fast Rescue Boats

  • Person in Charge of Medical Care

  • Medical Care Provider

  • Advanced Marine Firefighting

  • Crowd Management

  • Vessel Personnel Designated with Security Duties

  • Security Awareness

  • Basic STCW Training (Marine Firefighting, Personal Survival at Sea, Safety and Social Responsibilities)

  • Global Marine Distress and Safety Systems (GMDSS) FCC License

  • USCG Qualified Instructor and On-Board Assessor (NVICs 03-14; 19-14)

USCG Domestic License

Master of Steam, Motor, Sail, or Auxiliary Sail up to 100 Gross Registered Tons (GRT). Authorized for Near Coastal Waters upon the waters of British Columbia, Canada. Operator Uninspected Passenger Vessels to 100 Gross Registered Tons (GRT) upon Near Coastal Waters. Authorized to Engage in Commercial Assistance Towing. Lifeboatman. Able Seaman Special. Radar Observer Unlimited.

United States Merchant Mariner Credential

Sea Time and Vessel Experience

Sea Time
Forty years of experience on sailing and power driven vessels.
Currently average 120 sea-days annually, including numerous multi-day offshore passages.

Vessels Operated
Sail with Auxiliary to 77’ (performance racers, cruisers, sloops, catamarans, and ketches).
Single and Twin Screw Powerboats to 60’.
Kamewa Twin Jet Drive to 103’ (San Juan Clipper).
Outboard Fishing and Sport Boats.

Current Vessel Owned
IRIS — Jeanneau Yacht 51 - 5 Years.
My wife and I liveaboard and spend 50% of our time away from our home slip. Majority of our time is spent exploring Pacific Northwest harbors and anchorages.

Waters Sailed

Pacific Ocean
20,000+ nm seaward of 46CFR-Part 7 boundary line.
Waters between West Coast, USA and Hawaiian Island destinations.
Washington, Oregon, California, and Vancouver Island coasts.
Strait of Juan de Fuca.
Columbia River Bar.

Atlantic Ocean
Waters between East Coast of USA and various Caribbean Sea destinations.
Georgia and Florida coasts.
Straits of Florida.
Inter-coastal Waterway (ICW) - Georgia and Florida.

Caribbean Sea
Great Bahamas Bank - Bahamas Islands.
Leeward Islands - St. Martin and Anguilla
British and US Virgin Islands

Gulf of Mexico
Florida coastal waters.

Mediterranean Sea
Golfo di Genova.
Italian coastal waters.

Golfo de California (Sea of Cortez)
Mexican coastal waters.
Baha California coastal waters.

Galapogos Islands.

British Columbia, Canada
Strait of Juan de Fuca.
Strait of Georgia.
Gulf Islands
Johnstone Strait.
Queen Charlotte Strait.
Queen Charlotte Sound.

Pacific Northwest, USA
Puget Sound.
San Juan Islands and Channels.
Strait of Juan de Fuca.
Columbia River.

California, USA
San Diego Bay.
San Francisco Bay.

Medical Care Provider

USCG/STCW Medical Person-in-Charge (MPIC)
Trained and certified emergency medical care provider, including prolonged advanced care in marine environments. Training through N.O.A.A Corps.

Emergency Medical Technician - Intermediate
Georgia #21803, expired.
Two years service in Metro-Atlanta EMS.
Basic Trauma Life Support (BTLS-GA).
AHA Life Support for Healthcare Providers.
AHA Advanced Cardiac Life Support.

Wilderness First Responder
National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS), expired.

Instruction and Risk Management

Private Instruction
Private instruction for boat owners to improve confidence and skills or to meet insurance requirements.

U.S. Sailing
Certified Sailing Instructor.
ISAF Safety at Sea.

American Sailing Association (ASA)
Certified Sailing Instructor.

National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS)
Curriculum Design and Risk Management.

National Wilderness Risk Managers Committee
Wilderness Risk Management Conference.

REI Outdoor School and REI Adventures
As a Vice President of REI (retired), founded and led REI’s global adventure programs, teaching outdoor skills to over 500,000 students a year across the country and operating travel programs on all seven continents.

Yacht Racing

Decades of Yacht Racing Experience
Crewed on many winning Pacific Northwest programs.
Hundreds of buoy and medium distance racing starts.
20+ years of ocean and near coastal racing.

PIYA Category I and II Regattas (ocean and coastal)
Pacific Cup Race.
15+ Swiftsure Regattas, including 3 winning boats.
15+ Southern Strait Regattas, including 4 winning boats.
7 Oregon Offshore Regattas, including 4 winning boats.
15+ Round the County Regattas, including many 2nd and 3rd place boats.
5 Van-Isle 360 Races.

ISAF Safety at Sea Certified

Current Maritime Employment

FRS Clipper Navigation, Inc.

1st Officer and Officer in Charge of a Navigation Watch - San Juan Clipper
Passenger Vessel; Inland Routes; 88 GRT; 103’ LOA; 3,000 HP; Twin Jet Drive.

Serve as an officer in charge of the navigation navigation watch; ship handling for docking/undocking; responsible for safety inspections and crew drills; supervise passenger and cargo loading/unloading; oversee bunkering; maintain required publications, charts, logs, and reporting; scene leader for emergencies and marine casualties.

Able Seafarer Forming Part of the Navigation Watch - Victoria Clipper V
SOLAS Passenger Vessel; International Near Coastal Routes; 910 GT; 171’ LOA; 10,000 HP; Quad Jet Drive.

Serve as a member of the navigation watch and relieve officers; conduct vessel inspections and drills; serve on primary response team for emergencies and marine casualties; assist engineering department as needed.

Seattle Sailing Club

Sailing Instructor and Charter Captain.

Seattle Seafaring

Contract captain providing a wide variety of services, including deliveries, captained charters, and private instruction.

Contract Captain

Contract captain since 2006, providing a wide variety of services, including deliveries, captained charters, and private instruction.


University of Washington - Foster School of Business
Master of Business Administration (MBA)

University of Washington
Bachelor of Arts (BA) - Business Administration

Non-Maritime Professional Experience

John Sheppard, LLC. (retired)
Strategy and business consultant specializing in marketplace strategy, business model development, brand strategy, brand experiences, retail experience, customer loyalty, and early stage strategy.

REI - Vice President, Experiences and New Ventures Divisions (retired)
Led REI’s national outdoor education programs and global adventure travel company. Serving over 500,000 people annually, with 500+ employees and 80+ global partner companies. In addition, launched REI’s New Ventures Group, incubating new marketplace concepts and businesses.

“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing — absolutely nothing — half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.”

— Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows.